Meet Jennifer
Meet Jennifer
Hey fellow foodie, I’m Jennifer, the resident dirty dish producer here, and I am so glad you stopped by!

Feeding people makes my heart happy so I try and do it as much as possible. It’s honestly my stress relief. If only I cleaned when I was stressed…
But I don’t, so life goes on.
Whether you enjoy cooking like I do or you hate being in the kitchen and can’t wait to leave, you can find recipes that you will love and love making too!

Aside from my adventures in the kitchen, I’m married to Brooks and Mother of the Year (this year at least) to Braxton and Connor.
I love making a mess of the kitchen, avoiding laundry and licorice, finding Lego bricks with the soles of my feet, and dodging Nerf darts.
My life is chaotic and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Why did I start blogging?
I have a large and crazy extended family and we are always getting together. Usually around a meal or two so even if I didn’t like to cook, I would still be doing it. So why not make it fun?!?
Growing up, my parents had a restaurant and my grandma “Ma” made large wedding cakes, so when we ate it was a feast. There was always enough food for an army so if you went away hungry it was your own fault.
I like to say that I’m making pasta and it never looks like enough so after I make it you can invite 75 of your friends over to help me eat it.
But in my adult life (or when my age determined I am an official adult) my social times are spent with friends who prefer to graze on a variety of items and not just one large meal. Even when we went on date nights, we started ordering off the appetizer menu.
Having a few bites of a bunch of different dishes also gets rid of the regret of ordering something and wishing I had ordered what my husband got.
Plus this saves you from getting stabbed with a fork when you try to taste someone else’s meal!
So I decided to make everything tapas size!
I don’t believe that you need to go into a food coma when you eat, so I make delicious food with big flavors, but in smaller portions.

Why Take Two Tapas?
After our second son was born, I ditched my day job as a molecular biologist to become a full time mom.
When our boys got old enough to start school, I started cooking the Wednesday night meals at our church.
After writing down multiple copies to the same recipe, in October of 2013, I started this blog. It has quickly grown into a site where I share easy appetizers, party platters, & thirst-quenching cocktails for any occasion with some useful tips thrown in!
All to help you entertain guests at your house like a BOSS without all the stress.
If all your forks are currently dirty in the dishwasher, you can check out recipes that don’t require cutlery. If you have dietary restrictions you can find vegetarian, Paleo-friendly, and gluten-free options.
Or if you are just looking for a fun new appetizer to wow at your next party, this is the place to be. Grab a great recipe and browse around for some ideas to answer that dreaded question: What is there to eat?
Not sure if our recipes are good? They have been featured in a few well known places…

Do we have more sites?
Party foods and appetizers are awesome but sometimes you have to have a full meal. Especially during large family gatherings. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. I have so many recipes for traditional meals that I started a second site just for them.
Check out Leftovers Then Breakfast for your favorite recipes, classic dishes from your childhood, and some of my favorite things to eat. I often eat leftovers for breakfast so I thought it would a fun name! Hop on over and check them out.
Our newest site Best Casserole Recipes is now live. Check it out for all the best casserole recipes!
We’ve been highlighted here:
Rent menu
Cosmopolitan Magazine
Country Living
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Unless otherwise noted, all of the content here is created exclusively for, 2013-present. When using my photos or content, please credit my blog by name and include a direct link. Any copying and pasting my posts, or tampering with photos for removal of my name will be seen as a copyright violation.